Beck assumes that people have learned certain cognitive schemas in the course of their lives and that these schemas become established and automatized. However, there are also cognitive errors, i.e. a type of faulty information processing that is stored. These cognitive errors are often erroneous evaluations, assumptions, overarching plans related to oneself, the environment and the future, which people then think unconsciously and then show certain emotions and behaviors.
The aim of cognitive therapy is to uncover the faulty cognitions and to develop more useful, realistic cognitions together with the client with the aim that the client develops more zest for life and is open to positive perspectives.
Depending on the individual topic of depression, problems with excessive demands, relationship problems, fears, panic disorders, panic attacks, cognitive psychotherapy is a special form of behavioral therapy.
Sabine Ritz 34519 Diemelsee-Adorf Imprint Tel.: 05633-89 39 999