Stress refers to tension and tension compulsions in which a living being is "mentally and physically under pressure". (Fredrik Vester) A situation or external influence can be perceived by one person as DI stress, less stress and by another as EU stress, based on an individual assessment. There are three types of stress: DI stress Overwhelming stress
Less stress under-challenged stress
EU stress harmless or even health-promoting forms
Physical and mental stress reactions: In the event of sudden physical or mental stress, the body reacts in a matter of seconds. The nervous system is on alert and programmed to flee or attack. This is followed by a release of hormones (adrenaline, noradrenaline) and the following physical changes take place:
Mental stress reactions:
Feelings in unpleasant stressful situations:
Feelings in pleasant stressful situations:
If the body is exposed to subjectively perceived unhealthy stress for a longer period of time, this can lead to psychosomatic symptoms such as tension headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, nervous stomach disorders, tinnitus, sleep disorders, difficulty concentrating, cardiovascular complaints through to mental illnesses such as fears, panic disorders, panic attacks, and problems with excessive demands , Burnout. As part of the prevention of stress-related illnesses, I offer individual sessions or group courses to learn about progressive muscle relaxation or autogenic training. Find out about current courses and dates in the course calendar or arrange personal appointments for individual sessions to learn the relaxation process.
Sabine Ritz 34519 Diemelsee-Adorf Imprint Tel.: 05633-89 39 999